The Hypnobirthing Book

Be Kind To Yourself, Book Reviews, Child-led Life

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I cannot recommend hypnobirthing enough. Yes it sounds like some crazy hippie stuff, but it’s not. Forget the name, all you need to know is that I gave birth to a 9lbs baby at home with no drugs and it was a positive experience, thanks to hypnobirthing. This book is where I got started.

First off, no you don’t put yourself in a trance. No one hypnotises you. The fundamental theme of the book is that by learning to relax your mind (and practising a lot!), you can help to relax your body. By relaxing your body, you are allowing it to perform the act of giving birth.

The Hypnobirthing Book is very informative about what to expect for the first time mother, from hospital procedures and why doctors do things a certain way, to the physical action your muscles take when giving birth. You may be worried about this- you might think that knowing more will freak you out. Trust me, information is power, it is taking back control in a situation where most people feel out of control. When you are in control, you are calm, and when you are calm, you are actually less likely to be in much pain. It’s not belief, it’s science.

The Hypnobirthing Book also gives you the scientific reasons why relaxing aids the process of labour by describing how the release of oxytocin is key and how you can work to support its release. I found the balance between technical language and the descriptive guided relaxation pages suited me and I took on board much of the advice, felt far more confident going into labour for the first time and had a much more positive experience than most people can claim. My husband and I used the guided relaxation practises on a regular basis and bonded over the experience. We also decided to attend a hypnobirthing class so that we could ask more questions and meet some second time mothers who had already tried this technique out. We were not disappointed.

Even if you are not planning a home birth, if you are the sort of person who would feel most confident in a hospital surrounded by trained medical professionals, this book is still very useful because it advises you on your rights, advocates the gentlest experience for you and baby, and informs you about the whole process and what to expect from the medical professionals who are supporting you. If you are planning to have a child or know someone who is, this would make an excellent present.

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