Going Natural

Protect the Planet

Disclaimer: I use affiliate links throughout my blog. If you click the link, I may be eligible for some commission but you do not pay anything extra for helping me out in this way. If I have personally used and am promoting that exact product, I will clearly state this, otherwise please assume the link is merely illustrative.

Going natural seems to be the theme of the year. I’m cutting out the hair dye and letting my hair breathe for a bit, bleach free. I’m trying to reduce the amount of plastic-wrapped goods I buy in the supermarket and signed a petition to eradicate it from our grocery aisles. (The one I signed was a UK .gov one and it’s since closed but you can sign this Greenpeace one.) And I’m teaching myself to embrace a new normal as we head into autumn, in which a walk to the playground in torrential downpour is the norm.

Our Hygge Glamping Weekend

Be Kind To Yourself, Protect the Planet

Disclaimer: I use affiliate links throughout my blog. If you click the link, I may be eligible for some commission but you do not pay anything extra for helping me out in this way. If I have personally used and am promoting that exact product, I will clearly state this, otherwise please assume the link is merely illustrative.

For my mum’s birthday this year, my sister and I decided to treat her to a weekend away (with us and my husband and baby) to escape into the countryside, forget her troubles, and have dinners cooked over a fire! What could be more hygge than a close-knit group talking around a campfire?