The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read

Book Reviews, Child-led Life

Disclaimer: I use affiliate links throughout my blog. If you click the link, I may be eligible for some commission but you do not pay anything extra for helping me out in this way. If I have personally used and am promoting that exact product, I will clearly state this, otherwise please assume the link is merely illustrative.

Upon first reading this book, I thought that it was nicely written, positively affirming, but didn’t really tell me much I didn’t already know from reading other books. Until, that is, I reached Part 5. Bear in mind that Parts 5 and 6 are half the book in themselves.

Letting Go as Children Grow

Book Reviews, Child-led Life

The first time I read Letting Go As Children Grow was before having little J and I found it quite interesting. Having read more books on parenting styles and attachment parenting in particular, I returned to this book and just devoured it the second time around. It is full of real world experiences, examples on how to implement the book’s advice, and actual modern scientific studies to back up all of the advice given.

The No-Cry Sleep Solution

Book Reviews, Child-led Life

Disclaimer: I use affiliate links throughout my blog. If you click the link, I may be eligible for some commission but you do not pay anything extra for helping me out in this way. If I have personally used and am promoting that exact product, I will clearly state this, otherwise please assume the link is merely illustrative.

I have to start by stating the obvious: there is no sleep solution. To claim that there is a definitive way to get your baby to sleep time and time again without fuss or tears, regardless of your child’s own personality or experiences to date is clearly a fallacy, because if it were true, everyone would do it. However, ‘Here are some excellent tips that may or may not help you get your baby to sleep’ just would not sell.